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Fawns News

Posted at 1:28 pm on November 28, 2016 by Fawns





You can grab the Fawns Education Signs from the SL Marketplace for free.


These are great for Markets / Auction Houses that are wanting to help new breeders get started with Fawns. (Great to have rezzed near the Fawns Pack Affiliate Vendors!)


-Fawns Team

Posted at 11:58 pm on November 23, 2016 by Fawns



The Launch Affiliate Vendors are 5% Payout, enough to give a little something extra to people helping refer others to play with Fawns.




Available on the Fawns Sim and The SL Marketplace (above).


If you buy from Marketplace, make sure to scroll to the bottom and press the orange button to continue the purchase.



-Fawns Team


Posted at 12:10 am on November 20, 2016 by Fawns

The 3 Days Early Access for Fawns has just started for Pre-Order Customers!


You can collect your packs by visiting http://www.fawns.org/orders


-Fawns Team

Posted at 10:53 pm on November 19, 2016 by Fawns

We just gave away 55x 4-Fawns Pre-Order Packs to testers who found some of the top bugs in beta.


Not everyone who submitted bugs is getting a pack, as many bugs reported were duplicates, but we did our best to ensure anyone submitting something unique first received a pack. Congrats to everyone and thanks for helping!


If you see your name on this list, the pack has already been added to your account and you can pick it up during pre-launch pickups. :)


Chasity Dawes
Jason Forhilde
Ellowyn Diabolito
Kazeko Tachikawa
WeylynFoxdale Resident
Lillie Button
midoriprincess Resident
Tarnuk Xaris
Insaneone Lemondrop
BloodRope Resident
LostTreasure Resident
Marduuk Usbourne
MatthiasLeon78 Resident
TaiKnight Resident
opivybry Resident
Kataxenna Resident
Catandaguin Resident
gambitsembrace Resident
Djana74 Resident
Gregory Chatterbox
Nova Zero
Dragonfire Zhao
Yewman54 Resident
Summerstorm Jewell
Thundercl0ud Resident
Darius Wilberg
TiaSparkle Resident
ptuskadareo Resident
VioletJean Resident
Noctorne Nagy
Monihuck35 Resident
MasterJohn Bigbear
Durandir Darwin
sh200x Resident
Sholeh Nyn
LeoMcLaughlin323232 Resident
Easten West
Kylara Woodruff
Rosa Darkbyrd
Jezz Morpork
Zeo Xia
Krystal333 Resident
Saphire Zenovka
SudisticMemories Resident
SedatedMadness Resident
Alice Mavinelli
Aislynn Foxdale
NikiiWhitefalcon Resident
Khreme Resident
Eirumi Resident
lDomin8l Resident
Geo Ravinelli
Kressarah Roxley
Tobiath Tendaze
Melangel Thespian


Thanks for reading,

-Fawns Team

Posted at 5:46 am on November 13, 2016 by Fawns

We are done with beta testing. We just finished Fawns Beta 3 and are actively preparing for the launch.


First we will have the Pre-Launch, and 3 days after that we will have the “Launch”. We are giving our pre-order customers a 3-Day Head Start.


After the 3 days are over, we will put out vendors for the Fawns Packs (not the same as the pre-order packs, those came with bonus LEs and are long gone), along-side the other vendors we had out already.


We will most likely have an Affiliate Program, but this will not be announced until after the pre-launch is over and the real launch has occurred – as we don’t want people buying Fawns Packs during the 3-Day Head Start.


Thanks for hanging in there, we’re almost released.

-Fawns Team

Posted at 3:39 am on November 11, 2016 by Fawns



This is hopefully the last installment of the Fawns Beta series. (Fingers Crossed!)


You can go get your Beta 3 Packs here: http://www.fawns.org/beta3


We will NOT be running this beta for “At least 5 full days”, in fact we will most likely only be running this for about one full day. You do NOT have to participate in this beta, but the more the merrier before the release of fawns.


We plan on releasing fawns in the month of November. (Yes, we know it’s November now, but that should tell you it’s VERY close to being launch time.)


Thanks for reading!

-Fawns Team

Posted at 12:14 am on November 4, 2016 by Fawns

We’ve got some good news for Breeders and anyone currently or planning on running a Breedable Market.


If you have not heard already, Second Life is increasing the prim limitations on Mainland Sims, Private Islands, Homesteads and Openspaces – starting as early as November 3rd for Mainland, and over the coming months they plan to start rolling out to Private Islands / Homesteads / Openspaces.


It looks like Mainland is getting an increase from 15,000 prims per region to 22,500 prims per region. (1.5x increase)


Private Islands are going from 15,000 prims to 20,000 prims, so not quite as much but still a huge increase! (1.333x increase)


Homesteads are going from 3,750 to 5,000, and Openspaces are going from 750 to 1,000. (both 1.333x increase)


It may appear that private regions are not getting anywhere near the amount of love as mainland plots, but hold on – they also announced some interesting news in their video stating that for an additional $30/mo (plus one time $30 fee) you can take your private island from 20k up to 30k prims! Don’t quote me on it, go watch the video yourself in case I misheard, but this is great news for breedable markets.


Link to the original post and video here:



Thanks for reading,

Fawns Team

Posted at 6:16 pm on October 6, 2016 by Fawns



Yep, Fawns Beta 2 is starting now. You can go collect your pack by clicking here.


Visit one of the 12 locations and click the “Fawns Beta 2 Pack” sign. If you are a pre-order customer you will instantly receive a Fawns Beta 2 Box. Accept it and go home and rez it out. (You can watch this video if you forgot how to unpack things.)






These won’t be ready until the Official Fawns Launch, but we have 3 new Fawns Homes! The “Rock Nest”, the “Heart Rock Home” and the “Mushrooms Home”.


We of course will still have the traditional Fawns Stump Homes available as well, but we wanted to spice things up a bit with a broader selection. Over time we will trickle in new homes as well. :)



That’s about it for now. Enjoy the Beta Phase 2 Testing Experience, hopefully there won’t be too many bugs found so we can rush towards release. We’re ready to get these fawns up off of the ground!


-Fawns Team

Posted at 6:30 am on September 25, 2016 by Fawns

We already sent out a notice in the Fawns Group, but we wanted to make sure we posted this on the website as well.


Fawns Beta 1 will be coming to an end very shortly. Expect all Beta 1 items to stop working / delete themselves any day now. We have let people know that this day would come eventually (it’s the main reason we didn’t allow people to transfer fawns in beta), but the day is nearly here!


After Beta 1 disappears we will do a bit of work behind the scenes and push out Beta 2. Unlike in Beta 1, Beta 2 will be normal speed (not super fast mode), so expect it to feel a whole lot slower.


We hope that Beta 2 will not last nearly as long as Beta 1, so cross your fingers that we managed to crush all of the game breaking bugs! If we don’t see any huge problems in Beta 2 we can easily move on to launch in a quick manner.


Thanks to everyone who has been patient with us. We’re nearing the end of the dirt road and about to get on the fresh pavement so-to-speak. More updates soon!


-Fawns Team

Posted at 11:28 pm on August 19, 2016 by Fawns

Hey Folks!


We gave a full 24 hours extra for people to get in last minute pre-orders (in addition to our 7 days “one week notice” we sent out last week), plus we sent out a little notice and news post a couple of days ago to make sure people got plenty of time to get in their pre-orders.


All of the Fawns Pre-Order Affiliate Vendors will disappear in-world within the next few hours. In theory any order made now until then will still work fine, but we’re considering pre-ordering over since the delete sequence has officially begun.


We are still hard at work on what we call “Beta Phase 2″, which will be made available to all of the pre-order customers. We still have “Beta Phase 1″ available to anyone who has pre-ordered, so feel free to continue using those fawns up until we’re ready for the next beta phase.


We’re heavily monitoring the servers to make sure everything is going smoothly, and so far it’s all been perfect.


Thank you for your continued beta participation, it helps us all out. :)


-Fawns Team

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