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Fawns News

Posted at 11:14 pm on March 31, 2017 by Fawns




Are you tired of breeding realistic critters in Second Life? Do you find yourself laying awake at night contemplating what two different creatures combined would look like? Well look no further because Fawns and Fennux are teaming up to bring you FAWNNUX Hybrid Breedables!


By using the advanced technology of Editing our original creations in SL, we managed to piece together an advanced hybrid creature known only as the FAWNNUX. You’ll notice we took the body and head of the Fennux and carefully combined it with the ears, antlers, neck, legs and tail of the Fawns.


This idea was masterminded by Darmin Blurkflerg, so you have him alone to thank. I mean, look at this FAWNNUX pictured above… it’s body just flows so perfectly, why didn’t Darmin think of this sooner!?


AND OF COURSE, we’re accepting pre-orders 6 years in advance. You will receive a holdable fawnnux, a yo-yo, a WTFAWN keychain, and some FWNX Points. Please contact Darmin Blurkflerg directly to pre-order, but keep in mind this is clearly an April Fools Day joke so do not take this seriously.


Thanks for reading!

-Fawns Team

Posted at 1:51 am on March 11, 2017 by Fawns




Hey everyone!


We’re nearing St. Patrick’s Day, so we decided to come out with a Limited EditionĀ  Fawn just for the occasion.


GET IT HERE: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Fawns/149/163/22

OR GET IT HERE: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Breedable/149/163/22

OR GET IT HERE: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Mysten/142/140/3017


Every “Saintly” LE will come with the “Limeburst” eyes trait – which does have a chance at passing on to offspring. The LE Coat can NOT pass. Additionally, if you obtain the “GreenLights” antlers trait – it too has a chance at passing on to offspring.


The “GreenLights” Antlers (as seen in the above photo) are not guaranteed to show up on the LE Logs. Don’t expect to get the GreenLights antlers, as they are fairly uncommon.


You can purchase this LE via FWN Points -OR- Lindens!

5,000 FWN Points per LE

L$995 per LE


This LE will be available for purchase with FWN Points / L$ until March 25th of 2017.


NOTE: FWN Point Transferring is working at the following page: http://www.fawns.org/account/settings


Enjoy this LE in honor of St. Patrick’s Day!

-Fawns Team

Posted at 6:00 am on March 6, 2017 by Fawns

Hey everyone,


We posted about this in Group Notices but wanted it to be here as well for proper exposure.


For a brief period of time, every live fawn on the grid changed its Ether Status to “OFF”. And then all of the fawns shifted to “ON” a bit later. As of writing this nearly every fawn on the grid is currently set to “Ether ON”, even if you did not have them set to this earlier.


This is bad if you did not want some fawns to be consuming ether. So to resolve that issue we made sure to give every single breeder 3 days worth of Ether Reserves (based on how many Breedable Live Fawns each breeder had). You can check this balance by opening your Fawns HUD to the “ME” Tab and refreshing the Ether Reserves balance.


This gives breeders 3 full days to adjust some/all of their fawns to Ether Status “OFF”.


We are sorry for this inconvenience and hope that everyone enjoys the free ether we passed out to each and every one of our breeders with Breedable Live Fawns.


-Fawns Team

Posted at 7:05 pm on March 5, 2017 by Fawns

If you want access to the Developer’s API, which is useful for scripters to make custom fawns-related items, submit a support ticket with API ACCESS as the subject.


Again, just put “API ACCESS” as the subject of the support ticket, and we will respond back with a notecard in Second Life.


Please only request API access if you actually are a scripter or have one hired to work on your projects. We create these accounts manually so it takes a bit of time. :)


What does our API do? It allows you to ping a URL and get back details of a fawn ID.


If you already have Fennux API access, please let us know – so we can look up that account first. Thanks!


-Fawns Team

Posted at 12:28 am on March 2, 2017 by Fawns

Just letting people know that we just took the vendors down at around midnight on the 2nd of March. (As we said we’d have the LE available until the 1st.)


We will most likely have more LEs available for FWN Points / L$, so start saving up now. ;)


Thanks everyone!

-Fawns Team

Posted at 11:54 am on February 20, 2017 by Fawns




Fawns Breedables is at the MadPea International Food Fair – and we’ve got something unique during the event.


The “Blue Trippy Home” (which is a reskin of the “Fawns Mushrooms Home”) will be available throughout the event, and possibly after – but for now it’s ONLY available at the Food Fair.


Cost is L$295 and 50% of that goes directly to the Feed a Smile Charity. You can learn more about Feed a Smile here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha6gxbTw6iQ


It’s for a good cause, and don’t just check out what Fawns has to offer – there are plenty of top designers participating in this event as well. 50% of every donation goes to Feed a Smile – so get at it! :)


(Note: It may be laggy, as most events are, especially if a lot of Fawns folks show up. Just wait it out and be as patient as possible. Normally when we release new things we make it available at 3+ sims at once, but this is not the case here. We apologize in advance but there’s not much we can do about this – as during the event the item must remain Exclusive. Thanks!)


TELEPORT LINK: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Harms%20Way/198/210/1234


Thanks folks!

-Fawns Team

Posted at 12:36 am on February 12, 2017 by Fawns




Hey everyone!


We’re nearing Valentine’s Day, so we decided to come out with a Limited EditionĀ  Fawn just for the occasion.


GET IT HERE: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Fawns/149/163/22

OR GET IT HERE: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Breedable/149/163/22

OR GET IT HERE: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Mysten/142/140/3017


Every “Darkheart” LE will come with the “Blushing” eyes trait – which does have a chance at passing on to offspring. The LE Coat can NOT pass. Additionally, if you obtain the “PinkLights” antlers trait – it too has a chance at passing on to offspring.


The “PinkLights” Antlers (as seen in the above photo) are not guaranteed to show up on the LE Logs. Don’t expect to get the PinkLights antlers, as they are fairly uncommon.


NEW – You can purchase this LE via FWN Points -OR- Lindens!

5,000 FWN Points per LE

L$995 per LE


This LE will be available for purchase with FWN Points / L$ until March 1st of 2017.


Happy Valentine’s to all members of the Fawns Community!

-Fawns Team

Posted at 6:37 am on February 10, 2017 by Fawns





Hey folks!


We just pushed out a new HUD update… it should be named “Fawns HUD V1.2“.


Check Past Group Notices to grab the HUD from there – it’s super easy this way. :)


Whenever you attempt to interact with a Fawn or Log, you should automatically receive an Inventory Offer from Fawns Resident with the HUD.


You can also grab a new HUD by visiting the Fawns Main Sim location at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Fawns/


THIS IS NOT A FULL UPDATE – it’s just the HUD being updated to resolve a few issues people were having. It resolves the issue of false antelope antlers showing up on some people’s fawns (the HUD would sometimes rez the incorrect fawn model when birthing a log into a live fawn), and also guarantees a fawn gets deleted when using the “Delete Fawn” button.


Very minor changes, but very important ones! :) We will continue working on any outstanding issues but we wanted to push this out ASAP so people can safely delete their fawns to properly collect FWN Points. (Most likely because we are about to have something for you to actually redeem them in exchange for…)


Thanks for reading!

-Fawns Team

Posted at 7:01 am on January 22, 2017 by Fawns

Hey everyone!


Our V1.1 Update is ready for you.




Click the above link to get started, WATCH THE VIDEO, we are updating LOGS ONLY for the first ~24 hours, then Lives will be allowed to be updated. Thanks.


-Fawns Team

Posted at 9:35 pm on December 7, 2016 by Fawns

If you own a Fawns Auction House, please submit it at this link:




…After our team reviews the submissions (after a few days) we will start listing the auction houses on our site.


IMPORTANT: Do not submit more than ONE time per auction house. You are only allowed to submit ONCE. If you need to make changes to existing auction house times, SUBMIT A TICKET. :)


ALSO, you are only allowed to post ONE auction time per day. You can have as many auctions you want per day, but only ONE of them can be listed per day on our site. This means you get 7 total possible listings on our site per auction house. Do not try to exploit this or go around it, else you risk losing your listing.


All of these listings will be on our website: http://www.fawns.org/auctions

(It can take us a while to actually list them, it’s not automatic, we moderate every listing to ensure nothing bad shows up on our site.)


Thank you!

-Fawns Team

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"Fawns" & "The Fawns Logo" are all unregistered trademarks of Lexi Games. (Also the creator of Kreatures & Fennux)
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