Posted at 6:03 pm on August 29, 2024 by Fawns
Hey Folks!
We haven’t fully migrated over to the new servers just yet, which is why the website has issues every now and again, mainly due to lack of storage. Once we get on the new servers for Fawns (and Fennux), all will be well and you won’t see those issues any longer.
9 times out of 10, if you see the website not working, the Fawns in-world are still connected to their server just fine (it’s a separate database server that runs the actual Fawns, the web server just pulls info FROM the database server to display it). AKA, the web server can go down and up and nothing bad happens to the Fawns in-world. 
We will have this resolved soon though, and then we can get back to producing LE content and such (which has been temporarily disabled).
Thanks for reading!
-Fawns Team
Posted at 1:40 pm on April 30, 2024 by Fawns
Hey folks!
Temporarily we are not going to have Limited Editions out for Fawns (and Fennux) while we do some server migration. After we get everything moved over and Daemon has his workflow going again, the LEs will resume.
We have already moved everything over to our new servers, and have been testing to make sure everything is going smoothly for many months now and have seen no issues whatsoever! The LEs are basically the only thing that cause an issue with the server move, so they need to be temporarily stopped so that we can get this completed.
Daemon expects us to resume LEs within a month or two of the server migration.
KEEP IN MIND, we are starting to ramp up LEs over at Kreatures!
Thanks for reading,
-Fawns Team
Posted at 12:06 am on April 1, 2024 by Fawns

We are bringing you the “Waterfall” LE which is another variant of the Torch LE from a while back.
You are guaranteed to receive Cooldown eyes. (Note: We’ve been producing 3 new eyes for the LEs every month since 2017, this means we’ve been making 36 new eyes per year, so we’ve made over 200 different eyes. Daemon felt it was a good idea to switch to a 1 Eye per LE model from now on, but there are still multiple antlers to show up giving the Fawns LEs something fun to chase after.)
We have OverUnder, Reindeer and Deer antlers (as well as the more common No Antlers) possibility.
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for April!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
-Fawns Team
Posted at 12:47 am on March 1, 2024 by Fawns

We are bringing you the “Eggpaint” LE which is another variant of the Springy/Eggy LEs from a while back.
You are guaranteed to receive Venomous eyes. (Note: We’ve been producing 3 new eyes for the LEs every month since 2017, this means we’ve been making 36 new eyes per year, so we’ve made over 200 different eyes. Daemon felt it was a good idea to switch to a 1 Eye per LE model from now on, but there are still multiple antlers to show up giving the Fawns LEs something fun to chase after.)
We have OverUnder, Reindeer and Deer antlers (as well as the more common No Antlers) possibility.
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for March!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
-Fawns Team
Posted at 6:01 am on February 1, 2024 by Fawns

We are bringing you the “Chills” LE which is a third variant of the Valentiger LE from a while back.
You are guaranteed to receive Glacier eyes. (Note: We’ve been producing 3 new eyes for the LEs every month since 2017, this means we’ve been making 36 new eyes per year, so we’ve made over 200 different eyes. Daemon felt it was a good idea to switch to a 1 Eye per LE model from now on, but there are still multiple antlers to show up giving the Fawns LEs something fun to chase after.)
We have OverUnder, Reindeer and Deer antlers (as well as the more common No Antlers) possibility.
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for February!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
-Fawns Team
Posted at 12:46 am on January 1, 2024 by Fawns

We are bringing you the “Glitters” LE which is a second variant of the Goldy LE from a while back. (HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!)
You are guaranteed to receive Glitz eyes. (Note: We’ve been producing 3 new eyes for the LEs every month since 2017, this means we’ve been making 36 new eyes per year, so we’ve made over 200 different eyes. Daemon felt it was a good idea to switch to a 1 Eye per LE model from now on, but there are still multiple antlers to show up giving the Fawns LEs something fun to chase after.)
We have OverUnder, Reindeer and Deer antlers (as well as the more common No Antlers) possibility.
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for January!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
-Fawns Team
Posted at 12:56 pm on December 1, 2023 by Fawns

We are bringing you the “Sparklemint” LE which is a second variant of the Alpine LE from a while back.
You are guaranteed to receive Pinkspice eyes. (Note: We’ve been producing 3 new eyes for the LEs every month since 2017, this means we’ve been making 36 new eyes per year, so we’ve made over 200 different eyes. Daemon felt it was a good idea to switch to a 1 Eye per LE model from now on, but there are still multiple antlers to show up giving the Fawns LEs something fun to chase after.)
We have OverUnder, Reindeer and Deer antlers (as well as the more common No Antlers) possibility.
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for December!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
-Fawns Team
Posted at 12:51 pm on November 1, 2023 by Fawns

We are bringing you the “Coolius” LE which is a second variant of the Party LE from a while back.
You are guaranteed to receive Ethereal eyes. (Note: We’ve been producing 3 new eyes for the LEs every month since 2017, this means we’ve been making 36 new eyes per year, so we’ve made over 200 different eyes. Daemon felt it was a good idea to switch to a 1 Eye per LE model from now on, but there are still multiple antlers to show up giving the Fawns LEs something fun to chase after.)
We have OverUnder, Reindeer and Deer antlers (as well as the more common No Antlers) possibility.
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for November!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
-Fawns Team
Posted at 11:57 pm on September 30, 2023 by Fawns

We are bringing you the “Mutant” LE which is a second variant of the Torch LE from a while back.
You are guaranteed to receive Toxicity eyes. (Note: We’ve been producing 3 new eyes for the LEs every month since 2017, this means we’ve been making 36 new eyes per year, so we’ve made over 200 different eyes. Daemon felt it was a good idea to switch to a 1 Eye per LE model from now on, but there are still multiple antlers to show up giving the Fawns LEs something fun to chase after.)
We have OverUnder, Reindeer and Deer antlers (as well as the more common No Antlers) possibility.
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for September!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
-Fawns Team
Posted at 11:29 pm on August 31, 2023 by Fawns

We are bringing you the “Ultrasaber” LE which is a second variant of the Jackosaber LE from a while back.
You are guaranteed to receive Unconditional eyes. (Note: We’ve been producing 3 new eyes for the LEs every month since 2017, this means we’ve been making 36 new eyes per year, so we’ve made over 200 different eyes. Daemon felt it was a good idea to switch to a 1 Eye per LE model from now on, but there are still multiple antlers to show up giving the Fawns LEs something fun to chase after.)
We have OverUnder, Reindeer and Deer antlers (as well as the more common No Antlers) possibility.
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for September!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
-Fawns Team