Posted at 1:06 am on December 1, 2021 by Fawns

December is here, and I don’t know about you fine folks but over here it’s freakin’ COLD. Cold reminds me of snow. Snow reminds me of the north. The north reminds me of Northern Lights, which is why we made a coat that looks cold as heck with hints of colors seen in the Aurora Borealis.
You are guaranteed to receive either Aurora or Psyon eyes, with a slight chance at the hybrid “Spicefrost” eye variant. Word on the street is you can breed for Spicefrost eyes by putting together the 2 common ones…
LIGHT ANTLERS ARE BACK AGAIN! A few antlers options: BlueLights, Reindeer and OverUnder. (Also no antlers is always a possibility, and probable!)
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for December!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
OH! There’s a matching Fennux LE over here:
-Fawns Team
Posted at 4:30 pm on November 1, 2021 by Fawns

Ever wanted to delete 12 Logs at once? WELL NOW YOU CAN!
Grab a “Fawns – Mass Log Deleter” in-world at The Fawns Main Store
(or you can go to the backup Mysten location)
IT’S 100% FREE! (L$1 auto refunds) And it’s super easy! Just rez the Mass Log Deleter down, put exactly 12 (yes, it has to be EXACTLY 12) Logs inside the rainbow circle, then click the device – click YES to confirm (or NO to cancel), then you should see the Logs disappear and FWN Points show up when you refresh your HUD!
This is NOT like the “Fennux Wishing Well”, it will NOT give you an LE, but if you delete enough fawns (just over 2 full batches of 200 point fawns will do the trick), you can quickly turn those into a Limited Edition Fawn! (or forever potions / home stumps)
Please report any issues/bugs to Daemon Blackflag in-world. Just open an Instant Message with him and let him know what’s going wrong.
We hope this makes life easier while breeding Fawns!
-Fawns Team
Posted at 12:01 am on November 1, 2021 by Fawns

November is here, and most people seem to be turning on their heaters to stay warm in the northern hemisphere, SO – we bring you the “Torch” Fawns LE! It features a red-orange top coat with a deep black underbelly, and yellow specks all around.
You are guaranteed to receive either Phyre or Splashy eyes, with a slight chance at the hybrid “Refreshing” eye variant. Word on the street is you can breed for Refreshing eyes by putting together the 2 common ones…
LIGHT ANTLERS ARE BACK AGAIN! A few antlers options: OrangeLights, Reindeer and Deer. (Also no antlers is always a possibility, and probable!)
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for November!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
OH! There’s a matching Fennux LE over here:
-Fawns Team
Posted at 2:17 pm on October 24, 2021 by Fawns

Hey Folks!
It seems a new coat is starting to show up from breeding. The legendary “Inky” coat is finally here!
You may have heard of it from back in the day of Fawns pre-orders (2016), Inky was a special set of holdables and running pets. Well it’s 2021 now and we thought it was a great time to introduce it into the actual breedable game.
If you want some tips on how to obtain this new coat from breeding, please read the following:
For one, you’re not going to get this content from starter fawns. You’ll need to breed ones together that have a few generations away from starters – the resulting offspring need full trees.
Secondly you’ll want to breed fawns with a lot of traits, specifically ears, tails and antlers – at LEAST double traits!
And lastly, ether is not a requirement but it DOES help with getting this new content out. “Ether Reserves” are still L$7 instead of L$9 which is cheaper than our standard “1for4Weeks Ether Crystals”. (NOTE: We just boosted Ether so that it works WAY better than ever before! We HIGHLY advise you use ether to try and unlock this content.)
There are some other things people can do that help increase the odds of popping new content, but we don’t want to give EVERYTHING away.
That’s about it for now. Good luck unearthing your own Inky coats!
-Fawns Team
Posted at 1:26 pm on October 23, 2021 by Fawns

Hey Folks!
We just boosted how effective Ether is when trying to unlock new content. (Tails, Antlers, Coats, etc.)
We will be monitoring this new boost accordingly, making sure it’s acting as expected. We want to make sure that Ether is very potent compared to free breeding. Ether is basically the #1 way you can support Fawns to make sure we exist forever. Purchasing it regularly also encourages us to make additional content for Fawns, something we’ve been trying to do more frequently.
That being said, there’s nothing you need to do on your part other than continue using Ether or ramp up your Ether usage if you find it to be way more beneficial to your breeding. This was a server-side update that is active right now! (AKA, your existing crystals and ether reserves are automatically boosted!)
Official Fawns Main Store: Click Here
Thanks for reading,
-Fawns Team
Posted at 11:59 pm on September 30, 2021 by Fawns

October has arrived, and well – this month’s LE is very, uh… basic. You know, like when you wear those brown comfy boots and black yoga pants to go to the coffee shop that puts your name on a cup of pumpkin spice latte basic? Yeah, that kind.
You are guaranteed to receive either Goldchill or Rosegold eyes, with a slight chance at the hybrid “Harvest” eye variant. Word on the street is you can breed for Harvest eyes by putting together the 2 common ones…
LIGHT ANTLERS ARE BACK AGAIN! A few antlers options: OrangeLights, Reindeer and OverUnder. (Also no antlers is always a possibility, and probable!)
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for October!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
OH! There’s a matching Fennux LE over here:
-Fawns Team
Posted at 2:46 am on September 1, 2021 by Fawns

September is here and so is the Descension LE Fawns Coat. It features Browns and Blacks with hints of Yellow-Orange accents. It truly represents Fall showing up in the northern hemisphere.
You are guaranteed to receive either Firesmoke or Starsmoke eyes, with a slight chance at the hybrid “Smoking” eye variant. Word on the street is you can breed for Smoking eyes by putting together the 2 common ones…
A few antlers options: Deer, Reindeer and OverUnder. (Also no antlers is always a possibility, and probable!)
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for September!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
OH! There’s a matching Fennux LE over here:
-Fawns Team
Posted at 8:33 pm on August 28, 2021 by Fawns

Hey folks,
Apparently there are reports of NEW ANTLERS showing up in the wild. I don’t have my eyes on any ID# in particular right now, but… let’s just say you should try the following if you want to get these out onto your own fawns…
1.) The mom and dad you pair together both require Elk antlers, Both OverUnder or Both Reindeer antlers.
2.) There should be at least SOME type of antlers on the PARENTS of the mom AND dad as well!
3.) The mom and dad cannot be starters, they need to be a few generations away from starters!
4.) At LEAST have antlers and ears OR antlers and tails on the mom/dad you pair together!
…and that’s about all i can tell you for now, there are other things that can help increase your odds (cough ether cough) but other than that you’re on your own! Good luck folks.
-Fawns Team
Posted at 12:06 am on August 1, 2021 by Fawns

Since Kreatures is super close to going into beta / releasing, we made a Fawn coat that matches the Wolf Pre-Order LE!
The “Nite” coat features a black top coat as well as a cyan undercoat, and pink-purple gradient highlights. We also made some great looking eyes to match the LE!
You are guaranteed to receive either Void or Psytra eyes, with a slight chance at the hybrid “Impact” eye variant. Word on the street is you can breed for Impact eyes by putting together the 2 common ones…
A few antlers options: Deer, Reindeer and OverUnder. (Also no antlers is always a possibility, and probable!)
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for August!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
OH! There’s a matching Fennux LE over here:

-Fawns Team
Posted at 10:37 pm on June 30, 2021 by Fawns

Summer is here, the Earth is hot as heck recently, and we thought a nice “sunset” themed coat would be good for July.
The “Setter” coat features a bright pink and purple top coat, with vivid cyan accents on top of a deep black underbelly. You’re sure to love this coat!
You are guaranteed to receive either Violation or Frustration eyes, with a slight chance at the hybrid “Speculation” eye variant. Word on the street is you can breed for Speculation eyes by putting together the 2 common ones…
A few antlers options: Deer, Reindeer and OverUnder. (Also no antlers is always a possibility, and probable!)
It’ll set you back 5,000 FWN Points or L$875….. yup, 875 instead of 995! We kept the price lowered again for July!
These fawns are available at in the vendors area as per usual. We will take the vendors down after 2+ weeks.
Some people lag a lot, so we put them down here as well:
OH! There’s a matching Fennux LE over here:
Psssst… have you Pre-Ordered your Kreatures yet? Don’t miss out on saving 25%, Bonus Items delivered instantly, or the Limited Editions that will ONLY BE AVAILABLE to Pre-Order Customers! Pre-Order Now!
-Fawns Team